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I took this flying out of Utah on my way to California to get out of the Utah winter haze. In Salt Lake we experience this awful weather phenomenon called ‘inversion’ where all the icky pollution gets trapped below the mountain ranges. It gets so bad in the winter it becomes hard to breath. However, sometimes the haze creates the most eerie, yet beautiful, scenery. I was stuck by this scene because of it’s beauty but also by the strange notion that it wouldn’t ever look like this if not for human pollution in the air.
- Experienced by @Tory Morrison | © Unsplash
I love California Sunsets. It’s where I’ve been born and bred. But, just below my love for California is my affinity toward Batman. Perhaps this is me projecting, but that sure looks like Batman’s cowl at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. If you dig it, check me out @Troynikolic for all my stuff.
- Experienced by @Troy Nikolic | © Unsplash