Travel Tips and Stories of Burra in Australia

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Travel Tips and Stories of Burra in Australia
travelers stories about Wildlife in Yungaburra QLD, Australia

Wildlife in Yungaburra QLD, Australia

A platypus photographed in semi-darkness in the evening with low-powered flash. This photo was taken at a popular spot to look for platypus in Yungaburra, so they are used to people. There had just been a tropical thunderstorm with lots of lightning so I was not worried about using flash, and the platypus seemed unperturbed by me or the camera. Unfortunately the photo is noisy, but with platypus, you count yourself lucky just to see one, never mind photograph it.

  Experienced by David Clode

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travelers stories about Shore in Culburra Beach NSW, Australia

Shore in Culburra Beach NSW, Australia

Windy ocean

  Experienced by Elizabeth Spencer

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