
Hvammstangi is an Icelandic village in the north-west part of the country, on Vatnsnes peninsula, situated on the Miðfjörður. It is the most densely populated area in the Húnaþing County, with a population of about 580 people as of January 2011.

Source: Wikipedia

Captured by

Rocco Casadei


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In the summer of 2014 I took a long exposure picture of this 15 m tall basalt stack, located along the eastern shore of the Vatnsnes peninsula, near Vatnsnesvegur (northern Iceland). Its name ‘Hvítserkur’ means ‘white nightdress’ because of the seabirds guano covering it. Most guides refer to its shape as a dinosaur or dragon drinking from a spring. According to the local mythology, Hvítserkur is a troll that was going to destroy a nearby monastery since he was tired of being woken up every morning by the church bells, but he underestimated the distance and was petrified when the sun came up.

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